i just read this

“Lorenzo quickly bloomed immediately after exiting the African coast for the tropical Atlantic Ocean, becoming a tropical storm around lunchtime Monday.” Washington Post, 9/27/19

Lunchtime Monday:  Backdrop horse races. Trousers, lifted a bit at the knee for generous movement in legs for crossing and sitting leisurely while reading a newspaper. Crisp wine and a small romaine salad, very possibly Caesar, with a small baguette and butter or one tiny piece of flatbread vegetable and mushroom pizza. Right around then = Tropical Storm.

the measurement system is still the same. except for the gold debacle. but at least it’s being noted with civil and rational thinking.

oh yeah,
I ended up last night, right before going to sleep, executing butter reclamation from long dog, he being of extreme viciousness, defending butter with end of life tactics, me using a banjo case to make separation between the predator and it’s holy prey. This job included high speed running with tight corners, butter bandit also jumping and using very effective parkour technique across all furniture, anything in his way at all, before giving me an inch, but one I took when he finally hesitated with lightening fast CIA quick hand skills.
After that I went outside and separated Big Boy from Driveway Raccoon. They were pretty close. It was unreadable (you know, the mask blocking the true intentions of much conversation) so I made a decision to split that possible party or not up. Thankfully DR looked me in the eye, and after a very long read of my intentions, casually turned and left. As he retreated Big Boy played it Deputy Cat to my Sheriff and took a few quick steps toward him as if to ‘run him out of town’, a real stupid move, I thought. I didn’t bring the banjo case onto that scene, so I didn’t need a Tim Conway showdown. I also wasn’t in blackface.