Behind the Candelabra, Steven Soderbergh
I liked the movie a lot, everyone did a great job here. There’s a whole lot to look at and the storyline interesting enough to me. Rob Lowe really kicks it into 5th gear in this one. Watch it.
Behind the Candelabra, Steven Soderbergh
I liked the movie a lot, everyone did a great job here. There’s a whole lot to look at and the storyline interesting enough to me. Rob Lowe really kicks it into 5th gear in this one. Watch it.
Hello Absurdity, No More Conformity!, sang like a frog in a vauldville quartet outfit including cane and top hat. You know who I’m talking about.
I should get a frog in my piano act, later on.
The house is so big. I have different lives in different rooms. Some rooms I stay in for longer.
It is raining mini typhoon again. The birds are unaffected, don’t care. Yesterday I watched a bird fight from a ringside seat. The birds were extremely angry and nobody, including me, a human of questionable intent, was going to break up their mad party. It was intense but enjoyable for it’s real life action/something to think about Surprise! And now the rain it is so heavy. It is very nice.
I’ve taken up the piano. I thought you should know. It’s good, for me. I play simple Dixieland and Ragtime, some incredibly dramatic Romanian folk songs, too. I love it. I like to make them experimental by playing them all wrong on purpose. Things I do not like to play is the theme for Star Wars or The Rose. Whenever I have needed to play these for any reason I always do it with full dramatics. It’s the only way to get through it with any dignity at all. Black lacquered grand piano, candelabra, flower arraignment, tuxedo and black patent leather shoes. I am singing Copa Cobana and everyone is loving it. The night is mine.